
いいかげんにいろいろいじることやほかのことをアメリカから。いじられてしまうのはかわいそうな1974 BMW 2002, 2002 BMW R1150GS Adventure, 1974 R75/6, 1969 R69US, 1978 YAMAHA XS650, 1978 XT500, etc.

犠牲者紹介6 Victim #6

1969 BMW R69US

私の最初のBMW. 最高。いろんなとこに一緒に行った。思いっきり事故ったけど、バイクはタンクにへこみができただけ。わしは尾てい骨やられた。今はボア上げないとだめみたい。クラッチも、そしてスリンガー掃除してやらないといけない。ゆっくりやる。

I love this bike. My first BMW. And I took it everywhere. I crashed it hard but kept going (a huge dent in the tank). But it now needs many things (starts right up though). It's not practical for Nor Cal highway commuting, so I will take time to fix it. 

犠牲者紹介5 Victim #5

1978 YAMAHA XT500


This is a great bike. I only paid $350 for it (like 20 years ago). It didn't run, but I and my buddy fixed it and modified it. I did put new rings here and there, but pretty much that's all I did. I think I don't need to do anything to it. And I hope to keep it that way for a long time. 

犠牲者紹介4 Victim #4

1978 YAMAHA XS650


This is the tricky one, or the one that I'm struggling with most. This is another bike that I put togather for someone else who paid $200  for it. I fixed it for him in one night and later he mved to France so he gave it to me (you see the pattern now). It was going to be an easy fix and I was going to give it to a friend of mine who gave me the /6. But it's been too long. I did everything I can think of. Everything (clearly not). But let's not spoil just yet. You will read more about this bike soon.